Cisco introduce a directional WIFI 6E Low Power Indoor (LPI) access point

With WIFI 6e current deployment, the actual regulation state that only internal antenna can be use in the LPI infrastructure, this can become a challenge in a high-density environment where using omnidirectional antenna access point might not allow to deliver the required performance.

Cisco now have a solution with the Catalyst 9166D1 access point. This new access-point is a Catalyst 9166 with an internal directional antenna that will focus the signal on a smaller area.

Following is the antenna pattern comparison between the 9166I and 9166D

One other benefits of this access point is that it can be wall mount with a articulating arm that will allow to adjust the angle and direction that the access point will focus its beam.

This new access point provides the following benefits

  • Simplifies installation costs
  • No bulky cables and expensive adapters
  • Similar coverage pattern as previous products using 6 dBi directional antenna
  • Less components, more aesthetically pleasing
  • Solves most popular external antenna cases world-wide

I look forward to installed the new 9166D access point as it will certainly help to improve the user experience in some of our high density, high ceiling area.

You can get more detail about this new access point by watching Fred Niehaus presentation that not only introduce this new access point but also give us the state of WIFI 6e at Cisco

Jim Florwick also present on Applied AI power for the evolution of wireless, which is using the power of AI compute power to improve the RRM to Maximize Efficiency, Reduce interruption with AI channel planning and Minimize the channel change in busy hours.

you can what his presentation below

Gelstalt IT (Mobility Field Day organizer) paid for all my travels, lodging and subsistence expenses to be a delegate at Mobility Field Day 9. I did not receive any compensation in any form to be a delegate, to write or publicize Mobility Field Day content by either Gelstalt IT or the presenting organisation

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